Thursday, February 27, 2014

Frybread Authentic Native American Recipe


This recipe is in honor of my Native American husband Frank. He has been craving some good frybread so I attempted to make some & I got to BIG thumbs up from him! Frybread is just what the name states, dough that is fried. Crispy outside & feather soft inside. This bread is very versatile & my be served in numerous ways. Traditional it is served with stew for dipping, or like the pictures shows & my favorite, drizzled with honey & sprinkled with cinnamon. Frybread is served hot & it is luscious! ENJOY!

2 Cups Bread flour or regular flour but bread flour insures a nice fluffy Frybread!
1 & 1/2 TBS Baking Powder
1 TSP Salt
1 & 1/4 Cups Milk warmed to just passed room temperature
Oil enough to fry dough 2 inches deep
Add all the dry together. Stir in the milk mixing with a spoon. Let sit for 10 minutes. Heat oil 2 inches deep in a large skillet to medium high heat that bubbles when you drop in a small bit of the dough. Now go to the dough & divide into 4 equal portions. Pat at on a floured surface using well floured hands, dough will be sticky so use enough flour so it is not sticky. Pat into 8 inch rounds, they do not have to be perfect. Drop one at a time in the hot oil frying until bottom is crispy brown  then carefully turn bread over to brown the other side. About 2 minutes each side give or take. Remove puffy browned frybread to paper towels draining well. Continue with each portion until all is cooked! Serve hot! These may used to make Frybread tacos or Pizza just topping with meats, cheeses & sauces desired. Like I said I love the honey & cinnamon version (taste like an amazing donut) or as my husband likes best as a Native American Taco! The possibilities are endless! HAPPY FRYBREAD EATING, FOODIES!
This is a Frybread Taco! Just make some Frybread, cook up your favorite Taco meat with your favorite spices. Spread warm Refried Beans on the hot Frybread, cover that with shredded lettuce, top with the meat & then sprinkle with lots of Cheddar Shredded Cheese, add whatever you wish, I like chopped Tomatoes, Salsa or Taco Sauce & Sour Cream! YUMMERS!

This is Frybread topped with pulled pork & cheese!

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