Sunday, September 30, 2012

Judy's Apple Fritters!

 Now you know, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, APPLE FRITTERS! I just can not help myself I LOVE them! These are really just a glorified donut but WHO CARES? Not me do you? Probably not! We eat these for breakfast or even better as dessert, that's how I like them as dessert! Crispy & sticky sweet on the outside fluffy , sweet & spicy with juicy bits of apple on the inside & these are FAST to make! Go ahead & make a batch while apples are in season . You will be GLAD you did! ENJOY FOODIES!
1 Cup Flour
1 & 1/2 TSP Baking Powder
1/2 TSP Salt
1 Beaten Egg
1/2 Cup Milk + 1 TBS
1 TSP Vanilla
1 TSP Cinnamon
2  Peeled & Chopped Apples!
                                  This is how your batter should look!
Take your 2  Apples Peeled, Cored & Chopped into small dice, you want about 1 & 1/2 Cups
Stir all dry ingredients together. Add all of the wet & stir well. Add chopped Apple & stir to mix well. Now in a deep skillet add vegetable so you have 2 inches deep in the pan. Heat to sizzling hot. Add HEAPING Spoonfuls of batter to the oil & fry until very brown on the bottom. Using 2 forks turn fritters over & fry until the bottom side is nicely browned. Carefully remove fritters one at a time & drain on paper towels. NOW you may just wait until they are cool & coat with powdered sugar but I LOVE my GLAZED. So while the fritters are draining cook up the following glaze:

                                      Fried & Draining Apple Fritters!

1/3 Cup Butter
2 Cups Powdered Sugar
Dash of Salt
1 TSP Vanilla
Cook & stir the butter until melted, add the rest of the ingredients & stir. Add enough HOT water about 4 to 5 TBS & cook & stir until boiling. Stir & remove from heat. Let settle & then stir again. Now using 2 forks dip each fritter into the hot glaze & turn each one so each side is glazed. Remove & lay the fritters on a plate. Let cool & then CHOMP AWAY! WOW ARE THEY GOOD! Makes 8 Nice Sized Fritters! 
                  Look at those CHUNKS of Apples!                                                                                                                                  

1 comment:

  1. If you want to just powder sugar these go right ahead OR dip in butter & then granulated sugar OR even better Cinnamon & Sugar. I just happen to be a GLAZE FANATIC!
