Saturday, December 10, 2011

Helpful Holiday Substitutes For Your Recipes!

Some simple but forgotten recipe substitutes !

1. Buttermilk, use 1 tsp. lemon juice per 1 cup regular milk. Stir juice into the milk works the same as Buttermilk!

2. Sour Milk, 1 tsp vinegar per 1 cup milk. The vinegar will sour the milk!

3. Nuts, my family is not fond of nuts in baked goods. Replace with equal amount of oatmeal instead of the nuts!

4. Bakers Chocolate, if the chocolate is to be melted, use cocoa. Use 3 level tablespoons of cocoa powder with 1 tablespoon of oil stirred together. This will equal 1 ounce of baking chocolate!

5. Spices, if the recipe calls for a spice you do not like, replace it with one that you like. You will like the end result better because it is now made to your taste & not the recipes. Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger are all interchangeable or may be left out all together.

6. Flavorings, same thing as above, tired of vanilla try almond extract or lemon or even coconut. Do not get stuck in a rut! Mix it up & wake up your taste buds! Look at all the choices in your baking aisle & give something different a try! There is even walnut, root beer, orange & maple flavorings , go ahead and try one instead of good old vanilla! Not that there is anything wrong with vanilla but the other flavorings are feeling neglected ! 

7. Bread Crumbs, if you do not have bread crumbs & the recipe takes bread crumbs, crushed crackers will do the trick. If you have not tried Panko Crumbs for bread crumbs do so THEY ARE AWESOME! They make the BEST coating for chicken & fish !

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