Friday, August 5, 2016

Cold Sore Home Remedy

A co-worker came up to me the other day upset & in pain from a large cold sore on her lip. She was trying over the counter medicine & it was not helping. I suggested dabbing on 100% organic cold pressed coconut oil on it. I brought some in for her the next day. Her cold sore was large, red, & angry looking. She put on a tiny bit of the coconut oil, in an hour the cold sore was smaller & a lot less red. She put the oil on about every couple of hours. In 8 hours her cold sore was barely noticeable & she said she could hardly feel it. The next day it was a lot smaller & pink not red. The 3rd day it was almost gone. Coconut oil is amazing for healing & I wasn't sure that it would work on a cold sore but it did! I hope this helps someone because cold sores hurt & are not pleasant to deal with. 

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