Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sugar Snap Peas with Red Skinned Potatoes

Crisp Fresh Sugar Snap Peas right out of the garden or from your local produce stand are very hard to beat! I am blessed to have a very green thumbed husband & these were picked today! Combine the peas with yummy potatoes & fresh onion & parsley & your eating the best side dish you could ever ask for! Best yet it is easy to make!
1 Quart Fresh Sugar Snap Peas or use Sugar Peas, Wash & pull off any strings.
6 Red Skinned Potatoes washed & quartered or use small New Potatoes enough for 5 people, just wash those.
1 Onion peeled & sliced
3 Sprigs of Fresh Parsley Chopped
3 TBS Butter.
Bring enough water to cover the potatoes to a boil. Add about 1 TSP. Salt. Add potatoes & simmer until tender about 30 minutes. Drain. In the pot you used for the potatoes add the butter, parsley & onion & simmer until tender. Now add those peas & cook just until they turn a bright green about 3 minutes. Add the drained potatoes & toss cook for about 2 minutes & SERVE! You may add pepper to taste! Serves 5

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