Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thin Crispy Crust Homemade Pizza

My son just sent me this picture of him eating a Pizza that he made using this recipe! He only made one but said he wished he had made 2 of them! Way to go Jay!

My husband has been looking for a really good thin crust pizza here on the East Coast & just wasn't finding the right combo of thin & crispy with good toppings. I felt up to the challenge & took it upon myself to make one right at home. This pizza got 2 thumbs up & not a single crumb was left. This recipe is a version of The America's Test Kitchen's recipe. It is GREAT pizza! On a side note, I have been making this pizza without the refrigerating waiting time & the dough is still TERRIFIC! I also cheat on occasion and use Prego Pizza Sauce & it this pizza still knocks your socks off! I admit the original recipe is AWESOME but shortcuts come in handy!
The Dough:
3 Cups + Bread Flour
2 TSP Sugar
1/2 Tsp Fast Active Yeast ( If you are not waiting the 24 hour or plus waiting time use 1 packet of yeast not just the 1/2 Tsp. I have been doing this a lot lately & it works terrific!)
1 & 1/3 Cup Ice Water
1 TBS Olive Oil
1 TSP Salt
Mix flour, sugar, & yeast in food processor until combined. Slowly add ice water & mix in processor until mixed & forms a ball. Let stand 10 minutes. Now add oil & salt & process until well formed ball that has shine forms. Oil a bowl, by kneading slightly  form dough into a ball . Place it in the bowl, oil the top of the ball & cover tightly with plastic wrap & refrigerate 24 hours or up to 3 days. When ready to make pizza take dough out of refrigerator & let stand at room temp. for 1 hour. While that is resting make sauce!
NOTE: I have found that you do not have to wait to make this GREAT PIZZA! Make dough & let it raise to double just like normally would any dough! Punch down & roll out & it is still a GREAT THIN & CRISPY PIZZA! 
The Sauce:
1, 28 OZ. Can of whole peeled Tomatoes DRAINED
1 TBS Olive Oil
1 TSP Red Wine Vinegar
2 TSP Crushed Garlic
1/2 TSP Salt
3 Pinches Sugar
1 TSP Onion Powder
1 TSP Garlic Powder
1 TSP Italian Seasonings
2 TSP Parsley Flakes
Process until smooth!

For Meat Sauce I simmered 1 LB. of loose sausage in 3/4 Cup Water along with 2 medium sized onions chopped until meat was no longer pink, about 8 minutes. Drain & you will  spread  this out over the pizza pizza sauce as pictured below.

Divide dough in two equal balls. Take the first dough ball & flour with bread flour & turn it out on to a floured surface. Pull & push & stretch into about a 10 circle. I now used my Pampered Chef small rolling pin but any will do, & roll out to make a 14 inch circle that is thin until you get to the outer edges. You will want those thicker for your pizza crust edge. Pinch dough all around the outer edge to get that pizza crust lip! Lift onto your baking pan. Rework the dough with your hands & rolling pin to get the circle size & shape you like. This was easier then I expected! I used my old metal standby sheets because my pizza stone cracked. BUMMER; but these cookie sheets worked better than I expected so NO BIGGY!  Now do the same process again with dough ball #2. 

Divide sauce between the 2 pizzas, smoothing out almost to the pizza edges. YUMMERS!
Divide meat mixture between the 2 pizzas! MORE YUMMERS!
I used 1 8 OZ. can of sliced mushrooms drained & spread those out equally between the 2 pizzas.
Now Divide a 2 cup package of shredded Mozzarella Cheese between the 2 pizzas & a 2 Cup Package of shredded Pizza Blend Cheese between the 2 pizzas. Sprinkle tops with Italian Seasonings & Parsley Flakes as much as you like!

I baked mine at preheated 450 degrees on the next to highest rack placement & the one below that for 18 to 24 minutes. The top pizza was done at 18 minutes & the lower pizza at 24 minutes. CHECK THE BOTTOM of the crust for brown crispy finish! The tops of my pizzas looked baked but the bottom crust was WHITE! I left them in a little longer & in those few minutes they achieved PERFECTION! WATCH CLOSELY or you could have burned pizza & that is NO FUN !    
This is just the right amount of toppings & the sauce is GOOD! The thin crunchy crust is just MMMMM MMMM GOOD! I have always liked thick deep dish pizza but this is a whole other pizza of TASTE & TEXTURE & I will be making this a LOT as my hubby LOVED it! HAPPY PIZZA PARTIES FOODIES!   

                         This is with peppers & Sausage!                 

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