Friday, July 27, 2012

Bing Cherry & Almond Muffins


Ok, I admit I have been on a muffin binge lately, but why not? Fruits are fresh & begging you to create something GOOD while they are here! This muffin has fresh, sweet black Bing Cherries blended throughout along with sliced almonds! ENJOY!
2 Cups Flour
1/2 cup Flax ( Or use all flour!)
1 Cup Sugar
1 TSP Salt
1 TBS Baking Powder
2 Eggs Beaten
1/4 Vegetable Oil  
1 Cup Sour Cream
1 TSP Almond Flavoring (use vanilla if you wish!)
1 Cup Sweet Black Cherries , Bing preferred !
1 Cup Sliced Almonds
White Sanding Sugar or Regular Granulated sugar
Sift all dry ingredients together . Add all the wet & stir until well blended. Fold in 1 Cup Black Sweet Cherries that you pitted & cut into quarters & 1 Cup Sliced Almonds. Spray your 1 dozen muffin tin or use paper liners & divide batter evenly between the wells. Sprinkle with white sanding sugar & bake in a preheated 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or until muffins test done with the toothpick test. Insert toothpick in center of muffin, it should come out clean or with a few crumbs but not wet batter! Let cool in the pan 6 minutes before dumping out! If muffins do not dump out just loosen the edges by running a paring knife around the rim as close to the pan as you can, they will dump right out! Serve warm with butter or eat cold!  DELICIOUS! 

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